Showing posts from August, 2020
Couple Quits the L.A. Hustle for Life in a Renovated RV
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Author: Immigrants from totalitarian countries known the truth about socialism
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Denigrarea miscarii conservatoare din Romania
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Romanian language only: "Fundația Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung, un think tank al socialiștilor germani, denigrează mișcarea conservatoare din România în ultimul ei studiu despre mișcarea conservatoare română. Studiul este intitulat Conservatorismul Insurgent din România. Printre cei vizați suntem și noi, mișcarea conservatoare, pro-familie românească. Studiul a fost publicat în iunie, autorul lui fiind un conferențiar universitar din Iași. [Link:…/…/bukarest/16291-20200626.pdf ] Pamfletul socialistilor germani Cu toate că denigrează, studiul e un plus din câteva puncte de vedere. În primul rând, studiul denotă că mișcarea conservatoare din România deține notorietate europeană, fiind cunoscută și în Statele Unite. În al doilea rând, studiul e relevant pentru că mișcarea conservatoare din România, așa cum e ea descrisă în studiul dnei Margarit, nu include partidele politice din România care pretind a fi conservatoare ori de dreapta: USR, PNL, ALDE,...
Mike Pence delivers speech at the Republican National Convention | Full
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Lindsey Graham lays out key reason for Trump's reelection
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Homesteader's guns S1 episode 4 - Cowboy style with a modern twist
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In this episode of the Homesteader's guns series we are trying to combine classic American guns with the tactical requirements of today's realities. And thanks to Henry Repeating Arms , these two are fitting together like glows. The shotgun Henry Lever Action X Model .410 . A really seducing shotgun. Details here . The hunting rifle Henry Big Boy X Model in .357/.38 Spl . This is a superb rifle packed with features. Details here . The personal gun Ruger LCRx revolver in .22 WMR ammo. A lightweight and slim 3" barrel revolver for CCW. Details here . Reasons I know, is an expensive solution but I couldn't help myself - these two lever action guns are my dream guns. Is something I long for. And all those tactical features are awesome and definitely useful. It is my top favorite solution. I will ever be able to acquire them? Who knows... is cheap to dream, that's for sure. The revolver tries to keep the cost of ammunition down and s...
Ruger LCRx Revolver in .22 WMR ammo
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No matter how well a pistol for rimfire ammo is built, it is enough one faulty bullet to introduce a huge delay between shots that can be from annoying to fatal. In this case a revolver comes for the rescue. And LCRx in 22 WMR is one of the best solutions for this kind of ammo. It has only 6 rounds but this helps with the overall dimensions of the gun and I prefer it as slim as possible. Did I mentioned that .22 WMR is my preferred ammunition? Or that the Ruger makes pretty revolvers (but expesive)? The product web page . A video presentation:
Pompeo delivers RNC speech from Jerusalem touting Trump's foreign policy
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Henry Big Boy X Model in .357/.38 Special ammo
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Henry X Models is an amazing rifle/shotgun series and the Big Boy X Model in .357 Magnum and .38 Special ammo is part of it. The lever action rifle comes with a plethora of features as fiber optic sights, Picatinny and M-Lok accessory slots, a drilled and tapped receiver for optic devices, a threaded barrel for silencer mounting, side gate loading while the classic removal tube magazine is still present. In short words, a dream of a rifle that gives even more value to the revolver ammunition. Once acquired, I will rush in equipping it with a flashlight, an illuminated scope and saddles for supplementary ammo as this will definitely be my side bed rifle that will be used for eventual bad night events (caused mainly by predators) on the homestead which I find them more frequent than anything here, in the place I live. The product web page . A video presentation:
Calif. gun owners score major Second Amendment victory in ruling by Ninth Circuit Court
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Henry Lever Action X Model .410 Shotgun
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This tactical lever action shotgun (if you ask me, is a rifle that tries to be a shotgun) shoots 2 1/2 " shells and this is the only disadvantage compared to a true shotgun that is chambered in 3". It is pretty and practical and comes with a life time warranty that completely justifies the high price (especially when you compare it with a Marlin equivalent). It can be easily accessorized with a flashlight and saddle carriers for extra shells on both the stock and the receiver. The barrel has a fiber optic front sight only but the receiver is prepared for optical mounts. Well, is nice to have a scope or a red dot but in my opinion, any optic device is already too much for a shotgun (or a rifle that must function as one) used around the farm and for home defense. Anyway, I'm in love with this "rifle that pretends to be a shotgun" and that comes in a tactical form. Amazing job, Henry! The product web page . Here, a video presentation that comes also with...
Sarabande in E minor by G F Handel - Daniel Estrem, guitar
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Homesteader's guns S1 episode 3 - Exotic and Fancy
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For the third episode of Homesteader's guns series we have some exotic and quite fancy guns. This time, Ruger gets two nominations and Rossi/Taurus Brazil gets one. But is not a cheap solution. The shotgun Rossi Circuit Judge in .410 bore and .45 Colt ammo . This is a hybrid shotgun/rifle/revolver firearm that can very well cover all the needs of a homestead, without the need of any gun addition. Details here . The hunting rifle Ruger American Rimfire Model 8373 in .22 WMR ammo. This is my favorite bolt action rifle. Details here . The personal gun Ruger Mark IV 22/45 Lite pistol in .22LR ammo. Well, more like a practice/target gun but it can serve well on the homestead - more than you think. Details here . Reasons Apart from the utilitarian aspect, there is also the cool factor. Can a gun look pretty? Is this appropriate for a regular farm? Are you less of a farmer if you appear from the back of a barn with a "laser" rifle? Fortunately, th...
Trump speaks at RNC after securing 2020 GOP nomination
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Ruger American Rimfire Model 8373 in .22 WMR
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This is a superb looking rifle, that shoots with energy beams... no, it does not, but it looks like. It is a bolt rifle chambered for .22 Magnum, with a gorgeous Bronze Cerakote finish barrel threaded for silencer and an aluminum scope rail. This is the Ruger bolt action rifle that I like the most. Unfortunately, not many youtubers got this rifle for review - actually, I found one video that presents the rifle and decided to include it bellow. The product web page . The video presentation:
Rossi Circuit Judge in .410 bore and .45Colt ammo
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This amazing hybrid rifle is chambered in both 3" .410 bore and .45 Colt ammunition. You have both a shotgun and a hunting rifle in one beautiful "frame". If one thing is sure, is that Taurus Brazil designs truly gorgeous guns. Apart from a very convenient home defense gun, I see this one also as a herding gun, being able to defend the herd from snakes up to large predators. A very useful utility gun that must be produced also by the Smith&Wesson or even Colt - in their own versions, of course. Paint me deeply impressed. Good job, Brazil! The product web page . A video presentation of the gun:
Tiny Texas Houses' "Willy Wonka" on making magic reusing wood
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How Goats are Regenerating a Forest and Protecting this Town from Bushfire
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PM Netanyahu on the Historic Peace Agreement with the UAE
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Judge Jeanine: The American people see through Democrats' lies
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Beautiful Tiny House with Floating Staircase & Charming Interior Design
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Homesteader's guns S1 episode 2 - Serious guns for a successful homestead
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In this episode of the Homesteader's guns series we are upgrading to "real" guns, that can be trusted. All are from American manufacturers and that is directly mirrored in the price. On a profitable homestead you can afford this upgrade and is one of my two choices. The shotgun Mossberg 590 shotgun in .410 bore ammo . This is the first serious option regarding farm shotguns. I love this design. Details here . The hunting rifle Savage 93 FXP in .22 WMR . This rifle comes already with the scope. A good choice. Details here . The personal gun Ruger SR22 pistol in .22LR . Reliable and cheap in exploitation, Details here . Reasons The first reason is the increased capacity and the possibility to sustain a repeated fire - this is essential. The second is that you have American manufacturers that can take care of your guns in a smaller time frame if there is such a need. Again, all of the guns can be used by the entire family. BTW, if you are upg...
Ruger SR22 pistol in .22LR ammo
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My daughter has artist hands and she is recoil sensitive. And because she prefer guns instead of revolvers, the SR22 pistol is just what she needs. The pistol benefits of the undeniable reliable solution of Ruger® Firearms for .22LR ammuniton so eventual firing failures can be attributed to rimfire ammo only - good enough, I will say. But I hope she will upgrade to a .22 WMR revolver for my peace of mind. SR2 remains a trusty solution with a pleasant design and enough safety mechanisms for the beginner. And with 10+1 capacity, there are plenty of shots and we all know that you need only one well placed shot. The price is fair but still high for us. The product web page . A movie presentation of the pistol done by Team Sootch:
Kudlow: Economy has entered period of self-sustained recovery
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Savage 93 FXP for .22 WMR ammo
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93 FXP is a pretty and affordable bolt action rifle in .22 magnum ammunition that comes with a scope. Accurate and using my favorite rimfire ammo, this rifle can also be used by the entire family. Here is the description from the original web site: Combine the extra punch of the 22 WMR cartridge with the precision of the user-adjustable AccuTrigger™ in the 93 FXP. Its 21-inch, carbon steel barrel is button rifled for exceptional accuracy and perfectly balanced to the rugged synthetic black stock. The rifle is paired with a factory-mounted, boresighted Bushnell® 3-9x40mm scope and includes a detachable 5-round box magazine. In my opinion, Savage comes with good alternatives to Ruger rifles. That is, when they don't use the Chinese so, let's give 'em a chance. The product web page .
Mossberg 590 shotgun in .410 bore ammo
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This shotgun comes in 6+1 shots capacity, a barrel length of 18.5" and a chamber of 3" for the .410 bore ammo which is better than what a lever action shotgun of the same caliber offers. Again, a shotgun with this ammo can be easily manipulated/used by all the members of your family. Homestead protection, personal defense, hunting small and medium game. It looks pretty and can be easily upgraded to tactical - having a flashlight and some additional shells mounted on the shotgun comes in handy. It is one of my favorites. The webpage of the gun.
Benjamin Netanyahu is Changing the Middle East
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This UAE deal is a total paradigm shift, on many levels. For decades the left has brainwashed the world to believe that peace with the Arab Muslim world is only possible after Israel destroys tons of Jewish communities in Judea & Samaria, expels hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes there and establishes a state called palestine. And only after that would peace be possible. Today, it is a right-wing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, hated by the left, who has proven that theory wrong and the left is going crazy. So much so, that they are even coming out against the peace deal with the UAE! Showing once again, how everything is political. As opposed to the Jewish/Israel/global left, you do not want to miss how UAE Arabs are reacting. This is a huge development. Once again, we are sad and sorry that it was linked to the postponement of sovereignty in Judea & Samaria, but the strategic ramifications of this step by PM Netanyahu is huge....
The FIRMament and the Importance of Biblical Cosmology
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Request hydroxychloroquine
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You have the right to request hydroxychloroquine as a preventive treatment. If you face obstacles, you can get help from Mr. Trump. If not hydroxy, then request the chloroquine. There is also Chloroquine phosphate sirup. If not, you have to gather the required people to start a business and start producing it. This drug remains essential for the foreseeable future.
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Ca și persoane conservatoare nu putem decât să fim îngrijorati de dispariția treptată a dreptei politice din România. E rizibil să afirmi, cum încă e la modă, că în România încă există o "dreapta" politică ori un partid "conservator". Încă ni se spune ca "dreapta" românească se constituie din USR, PNL și PMP. USR nu e un partid de dreapta USR nu a fost niciodată conservator, nici de dreapta. USR nu va da niciodată României un Duda în funcția de Președinte. USR e un partid extremist de stânga, care urmărește secularizarea cu forța, grabnică și radicală a societății tradiționale românești. Macron, liderul neoficial al USR și al Renew Europe în Parlamentul European, e un populist par excellence, cu o identitate politică obscură, nedefinită, dar categoric anti-valori. Discursul politic USR din România e foarte similar discursului politic promovat de democrații Americii. Mai bine zis, de ramura lor "progresistă" de genul Ocasio - Cortez. Formulel...
Gowdy: More FBI members have been indicted than Trump family members
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Pence warns of what will happen to middle class during a Biden presidency
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Homesteader's guns S1 episode 1 - A cheap solution from Rossi
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In the first episode of Homesteader's guns series , we have a cheap solution from Rossi USA. Is not 100% American solution, as I understand, Rossi collaborates with Taurus Brazil but they make fairly good guns and some quite innovative. The shotgun Rossi single shot Tuffy .410 bore, 21" - a single shot shotgun. Man, this looks awesome! More details here . The hunting rifle Rossi Rimfire Rifle 22 WMR Black 21" 5 Rounds Bolt-Action . More details here . The personal gun This solution does not have a personal gun - financial reasons. Lets say we need money for the scope... that hunting rifle needs one. Reasons Why I recommend a .22 magnum rifle instead a .22 LR? In my opinion, it is not much more expensive than the LR solution and the ammunition has a greater chance in downing the medium game if the shot is well placed. I will always recommend this type of ammunition - fast, precise and lethal under 100 yards. Interestingly, both ammunition presen...
The Watchman Episode 170: Two Stunning New Biblical Archaeology Discoveries in Jerusalem
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EMERALD VILLAGE: a Dream of an Affordable Tiny House Community
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Historic peace agreement between Israel and United Arab Emirates
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Trump vows to permanently terminate payroll tax if reelected
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Cruz on big tech: 'Who the hell are you' to decide who and who can't speak?
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Rossi Rimfire Rifle 22 WMR Black 21" 5 Rounds Bolt-Action
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A shotgun around the farm is good for close and medium ranges but for a good hunt you need a rifle. One chambered for .22 magnum ammo and Rossi has one extremely cheap, Rossi RB22M . Well, you have to add the cost of a scope as the rifle does not have sights but you can get one affordable as well. Here is the web page .
The Hysteria, Mockery, and Censorship Around COVID Treatment
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NYC residents fleeing Upper East Side amid rising crime rates
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Rossi Single Shot TUFFY 410 Bore 18.5" Black Polymer
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This is a low budget single shot shotgun that uses .410 bore ammo. The barrel is 18.5" in length and the recoil is negligible. The advantage is that your kid can use it without problems in deterring the snakes and other predators from your homestead. Good also for home and personal defense. One thing you must be aware of. It uses 3" birdshot and buckshot shells but NOT slugs . The web page of the product. A video presentation of the shotgun:
The Psalm 91 Protection Plan: A comfort for those in troubled times
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Portland mayor claims rioters 'attempted' murder, 'The Five' says it's his fault
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Ruger MarkIV 22/45 Lite pistol in .22 LR ammo
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This is an extremely accurate and reliable pistol for .22 LR ammunition. Kinda odd in appearance but still pretty. Personally, I see it more reliable than the other two Ruger pistols, LCP II and SR22. The 4.40" barrel length assures not only a high accuracy, but also the required space to mount an optical targeting device. This pistol is competition ready but can be used for fun in a homestead, downing the varmint and defending the home (or the chicken eggs :D ). In this kind of environment, I will say that is a good alternative to a Rugger 10/22 rifle. A little to the expensive side, but it is a high end product. And it looks awesome - you almost expect to shoot energy beams out of it. The product web page ... ... and the gallery: Below, the Team Sootch review: .
President Trump ‘calls on God,’ while Biden aligns with ‘anti-religion’ leftists
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Israel bombs Gaza over terror; Turkey to confront Egypt-Greece accord
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Americans rejecting failed lockdown policies, holding politicians accountable for double standards
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Gov. Noem explains how South Dakota kept COVID cases low without locking down
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Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks on Religious Freedom
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"Seven" by Taylor Swift (2020) - Daniel Estrem, 11-string guitar
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Uyghur organizations file complaint to ICC against China
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Chaos in Portland
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These kids have no idea what they are about to lose. And, the tragic part is that adults can't allow them to learn that from their own experience, on their own skin, because there was no country in the world to liberate herself from communism. And if U.S. falls, there will be no help from outside. Only God can change things for the better but, in communism will be no God. So, I don't believe that America will fall before the Rapture happens. It will become less dominant? It will be interested in guarding only it's surroundings? I don't know yet. But, if that country will be the only bastion of freedom left, I want to live there. That is, until Rapture happens.
Tactical Shotgun with Ken Good of Combative Concepts, March 1996
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USA launches 'DivestU' to redirect donations from liberal colleges
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Big Tech censoring White House on potential COVID-9 cure
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Studies show countries using hydroxychloroquine have far fewer COVID-19 deaths
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An attack of unprecedented violence against Prager University
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Big Tech is censoring PragerU again. Facebook announced that they will be limiting PragerU’s reach to our own followers, and Twitter locked us out of our account. We need you to sign and share our petition against online censorship with all of your family and friends ASAP. Why are they censoring us? Because we dared to show America a different point of view. This time the flashpoint is a collection of frontline medical doctors’ testimonials about their successful use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in treating their COVID-19 patients. Now we must reach out to you, our PragerU community, directly to get people to sign our petition. Here’s what’s happening right now: Twitter locked us out of our account Facebook is censoring our reach to our own followers Instagram is removing our posts YouTube and LinkedIn deleted our videos PragerU does not give medical advice. But, we will make sure you hear alternative voices the media either refuses to cover, or falsely discredits,...
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