
Showing posts from March, 2024

BREAKING: Netanyahu APPROVES Rafah Operation

God be with you, Israel! We pray for your victory!

With friends like these...


Netanyahu Responds to Backstabbing Biden & Schumer


Epicenter Israel: What's Really Happening in the Middle East?


DNA Contamination Everywhere!

 When God said that in the last days will be like in the Noah days, He also referred to the DNA contamination of plants, animals and humans. So, these days, it is extremely dangerous to "hunt" for your food only in Malls... 

Biden’s Coup Against Bibi Goes Into Full Swing

 From the beginning of the Hamas war against Israel, blame for the security and intelligence failure has been directed at Netanyahu’s government. The American government was quick to offer support and surprisingly had an aircraft carrier nearby. The carrier was sent over as if it was already placed there by design. The woke leftwing pro-arabist Biden administration has never liked Netanyahu.  They see him as a block to their grand design to place a leftwing globalist at the helm in Jerusalem. Why do they want this? With Netanyahu and his government out of the way then the left’s dream of establishing a “palestinian” state in Judea and Samaria and Gaza would become a reality.  Read more here .

It's not just Netahyahu, Biden is taking on all of Israel


The Gaza Casualities Deception - the enemy of Israel will use anything against


Walk away, Biden!


Hunger in Palestine is a FALSE NARATIVE!


No way!


Israeli civilians arming themselves


Pustiirea Cetatii Gaza

Pe 7 Noiembrie 2023 avea loc cel mai ingrozitor masacru al civililor evrei de la al doilea razboi mondial incoace. Efectuat prin surprindere de catre palestinienii (organizatia terorista HAMAS, sprijinita de populatia palestiniana) din regiunea Gaza. Atrocitati greu de imaginat intr-o lume civilizata, moderna. Si cum era de asteptat, Israel a pornit vanatoarea impotriva acestor fiare. Si a constatat cu stupoare ca toata reginea Gaza este strabatuta de tuneluri ale terorii, conectate la mai toate institutiile publice importante, care nu ar fi constituit tinta nici unei armate adverse, aderente la regulile si legile internationale in ce priveste conflictele armate dintre doua sau mai multe tari. Desigur ca a urmat o inflamare globala a tuturor statelor potrivnice Israelului, insa cumva neasteptat, Statele Unite, aliat traditional al Israelului, a inceput sa joace la doua capete si apoi sa sfarseasca prin a fi pe fata ostil Israelului. Caruia ii cere incetarea interventiei

Betrayal Steps into High Gear


The Alliance Between Venezuela and Iran


Hamas Receives MILLIONS In Funding


God be praised! Supreme Court Keeps Trump On 2024 Presidential Ballots By Unanimous Decision

  Read more here .

Did the Establishment Just Turn Against Globalism?

 The name of Argentina and Romania are mentioned in the Rumble video below: 

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Join us on a journey that brings the Land of the Bible, it's people and it's history to life while supporting the people who call Israel home.

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