
Showing posts from April, 2023


"Israel may be better off paying for U.S. military platforms out of its own pocket and transforming its relationship from that of a client into one of a partner in defense technology development. On March 13, the U.S. Air Force conducted another unsuccessful test of one of the two hypersonic missiles it is developing. Washington may or may not want Israel’s help with its hypersonic missile program, which is lagging far behind China and Russia’s programs. But Israel is probably the only U.S. ally capable of helping. Certainly, under the present circumstances, Israel’s relationship with the United States will be more secure if it is based on collaboration in areas of mutual interest rather than dependence." A new phase in U.S.-Israel relations - Biden

The largest demonstration since 2006 in Israel with over half a million people - in support of the judicial reform!

 Because is not quite fair to Israel!

The Coming Tribulation: Bible Prophecy Update


Jewish - Christian Dialogue moderated by Pastor Dudley Rutherford


Biden’s Designed Treason


Former President Donald Trump says:


Growing tensions between Russia and Israel



Read more here.  " While Bibi has not been perfect he has moved Israel beyond the Two State Solution, essentially ensuring that through sheer inertia, no “palestinian” state will arise West of the Jordan. The current Judicial Reform proposals would end the West’s ability to control Israel from afar, which they have been doing by utilizing compliant court justices. Add on the fact that Netanyahu has resisted joining the West’s war in Ukraine, except for humanitarian assistance, then the Netanyahu government is the greatest target the CIA has right now. " ...

Signs of the Coming Antichrist - all episodes


J. S. Bach - Air & Gavotte from Suite BWV 1068 - Evangelina Mascardi, baroque lute


What the Great Reset means?


Inchiderea centralelor nucleare din Germania - o miscare inteleapta!

La cutremurul din Ezechiel 38, Germania nu va avea catastrofe nucleare pentru ca si-a inchis toate centralele nucleare . Insa nu este si cazul restului Europei care investestte masiv in construirea/deschiderea a cat mai multor centrale de acest fel.  Un alt beneficiu major pentru Germania este ca isi dezvolta capacitati alternative cu mult inaintea evenimentului, capacitati ce vor putea fi reparate si repuse in functiune in timp record. Way to go, Germany!

Israel at war! How close is the total destruction of Damascus?

La cat de ametitor se desfasoara evenimentele, Rapirea este foarte aproape. Se apropie momentul cand Damasc va fi distrus ca oras pentru a nu mai fi reconstruit NICIODATA . Si apoi vine evenimentul din Ezechiel 38, cand o mare parte din tarile lumii isi vor trimite trupele impotriva Israelului. Asa ca Rapirea este chiar dupa colt. Fiti gata, puneti-va viata in randuiala, impacati-va cu Domnul Dumnezeu. Mantuirea este personala, toti avem nevoie ca sangele Domnului Isus sa ne spele pacatele. Indiferent de rasa, de religie, de orice am crede noi ca suntem datori sa facem conform datinilor populare, nimic nu mai conteaza. Ateu, musulman, hindus, mosaic, crestin etc. doar prin Domnul Isus, prin jertfa lui de pe cruce avem salvarea vesnica. Inevitabil, vor fi foarte multi care vor rata evenimentul rapirii. Pentru acestia am un cuvant de spus. Imediat dupa rapire (sau indiferent cum o vor numi-o ulterior stapanii lumii) vor incepe 7 ani de necazuri cumplite, cu miliarde de morti. Indiferen

This will lead to poverty all over the US


Noul normal - viata intr-o zona activa seismic

Scrisoare Deschisa  Prima preocupare a unei comunitati sanatoase este educarea copiilor in siguranta. Aceasta sarcina este permanenta, fie ca e pace, dezastru natural sau razboi. Societatea moderna foloseste betonul armat pentru a construi cladiri pe verticala. cladiri ce trebuiesc proiectate preventiv pentru a rezista unui grad mare de cutremur. Cat de mare? Atat cat a dovedit zona respectiva ca poate genera. Dar de ceva ani de zile, lucrurile degenereaza rapid. Activitatea seismica creste exponential pe toata planeta. Iar Gorjul s-a procopsit de curand cu o activitate seismica alarmanta: la doua-trei cutremure aleatoare din lume, avem intercalat, doua-trei cutremure in Gorj de intensitate peste 2. Ele nu sunt singulare, activitatea sub 2 este destul de intensa. Betonul - material impropriu de constructie, fara garantii pe termen lung Sa construiesti din beton anticipand cel mai mare grad seismic posibil este foarte scump si dureaza mult. Plus, betonul

Time for American Jews to leave Democrat party

Update: Democrat Jews, are you proud of what pro Iranian, Obama/Biden American administration is doing to Israel? Have you seen how many Israeli conservatives have risen up to defend Israel? Are you not ashamed for the fact that you are not part of them? Listen to what an Aromanian (Machedon) has to tell you: WAKE UP, FOOLS! STOP HURTING ISRAEL! DON'T ANGER GOD!!! But no, you will not listen. You are honorable American citizens bound to their debt to the Democrats! You know what? That excuse stands up until Israel gets attacked. Then it becomes null. It transforms into a pathetic excuse, that tries to defend your status as American citizens. That is what you really love. Your comfort. Your quiet, well defended place. Doesn't matter how much Israel suffers as long as you are ok. Shame on you for the entire eternity!!! Shame on you because you changed the protection from God with the "protection" from American Democrats!!! Fools! Original article:  More Jewish organiza

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