Homesteader's guns S1 episode 2 - Serious guns for a successful homestead

In this episode of the Homesteader's guns series we are upgrading to "real" guns, that can be trusted. All are from American manufacturers and that is directly mirrored in the price. On a profitable homestead you can afford this upgrade and is one of my two choices.

The shotgun

Mossberg 590 shotgun in .410 bore ammo. This is the first serious option regarding farm shotguns. I love this design. Details here.

The hunting rifle

Savage 93 FXP in .22 WMR. This rifle comes already with the scope. A good choice. Details here.

The personal gun

Ruger SR22 pistol in .22LR. Reliable and cheap in exploitation, Details here.


The first reason is the increased capacity and the possibility to sustain a repeated fire - this is essential. The second is that you have American manufacturers that can take care of your guns in a smaller time frame if there is such a need.

Again, all of the guns can be used by the entire family. BTW, if you are upgrading from the solution presented in episode one, personally I will keep the Tuffy shotgun and sell the Rossi rifle - just to be future proof (the smart guys undeststand to what I'm referring to).


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