Ruger MarkIV 22/45 Lite pistol in .22 LR ammo

This is an extremely accurate and reliable pistol for .22 LR ammunition. Kinda odd in appearance but still pretty. Personally, I see it more reliable than the other two Ruger pistols, LCP II and SR22.

The 4.40" barrel length assures not only a high accuracy, but also the required space to mount an optical targeting device. This pistol is competition ready but can be used for fun in a homestead, downing the varmint and defending the home (or the chicken eggs :D ). In this kind of environment, I will say that is a good alternative to a Rugger 10/22 rifle.

A little to the expensive side, but it is a high end product. And it looks awesome - you almost expect to shoot energy beams out of it.

The product web page...

... and the gallery:

Below, the Team Sootch review:



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