Showing posts from June, 2023
O cu totul alta Rusie se va trezi curand...
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UPDATE: Lucrurile se misca ametitor de repede. Iran isi pregateste trupele pentru a veni in ajutorul lui Putin. De asemenea, Erdogan si-a anuntat telefonic sprijinul fata de Putin. De unde rezulta clar ca acea tara nespecificata din Orientul Mijlociu pe care Rusia o acuza de implicare este Israel! Asistam la preludiul invaziei Israelului! Articolul original Deja, autoritatile Ruse acuza de implicare Statele Unite, Marea Britanie si o tara nespecificata din Orientul Mijlociu! Parerea mea este ca la sfarsitul razboiului civil ne vom confrunta cu o Rusie complet transformata. Acea Rusie cu un conducator pe care insusi Dumnezeu are necaz! Conducator care va strange o multime de armate in jurul sau si va porni impotriva Israelului pe muntii caruia isi va gasi sfarsitul. Timpul este foarte aproape. Si rog cititorii sa-si aduca aminte ca evenimentului descris in Ezechiel 38 ii urmeaza un cotremur extrem de violent, posibil peste grad 10 Richter. Ar trebui ca toata populatia Romanie...
J. S. Bach - Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in E-flat major BWV 998 - Evangelina Mascardi, baroque lute
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Top Canadian Official Apologizes to Unvaxxed: ‘We Were Wrong’
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Democracy from Greece, Laws from Roma and Faith from Jerusalem...
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ZBANG! Meta CEO Marck Zuckerberg admitted last week that Facebook’s so-called “fact-checkers” have been censoring information that was actually true.
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Elon Musk Rebukes Biden for Anti-Family Comments: ‘They Are Not Your Kids – You Are the Government’
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Sperante pentru crestinii vaccinati cu mRNA
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Ascultarea de Domnul Dumnezeu este cheia Am doua vesti bune sa comunic celor care au cedat presiunilor din jur si au acceptat sa fie vaccinati: Prima este ca salvarea nu tine de puritatea genetica. Este drept, era bine sa nu fie facuta, pentru ca scutea de multa suferinta in trup, dar sa ne amintim de Noe, sotiile fiilor lui erau alterate genetic si au fost salvate pentru ca au ascultat si au intrat in corabie. Cuvantul spune ca Noe si sotia erau curati, si prin urmare, si fiii lor. De sotii nu spune nimc, dar in Cartea lui Enoh spune ca toate trei erau alterate genetic. Plus, Biblia confirma apoi ca acest lucru era real. A doua este ca ascultarea de Dumnezeu impiedica manifestarea genelor straine. Pe linia lui Ham au aparut majoritatea uriasilor. Pe linia lui Iafet avem doi uriasi. Pe linia lui Sem nu avem nici unul. Asadar, nici un motiv pentru copiii lui Dumnezeu sa-si piarda nadejdea. Dar, aveti mai multa incredere in El data viitoare! Bagati de seama sa nu fiti inselati. T...
Covid Vaccines Affect Jewish Marriages
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Launching a Series This article is going to launch a multi-part series focusing on the vaccines’ impact on fertility, reproduction, women’s health, and newborns. Some of the earliest reports of menstrual disruption post-vaccination came from the women of the Jewish Orthodox community, almost immediately after the vaccine rollout. To give a clear picture of why that was the case, some background is necessary. Read more on DailyClout .
President Biden's policies towards Middle East are a continuation of Barrack's policies
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"President Joe Biden’s speechwriters are following the narrative of their true boss – Barack Obama. It is the same exact tired, old and false narrative that claims that if only Israel would give the so-called “Palestinians” a state of their own, then all of the problems of the Middle East would be solved. Been there – done that. Israel walked away from a part of the State of Israel and allowed the Gaza Strip to become an Arab State in it’s midst. What did that lead to? Thousands of missiles raining down on Israel were shot by the Hamas-elected terrorist leadership that dominates life in the Gaza Strip. All the creation of this Arab State led to was bloodshed of Israelis." Read more here .
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