
Showing posts from February, 2024

Biden Administration continues its attack on Israel's military capacity

  The Biden administration asked Israel to sign a declaration stating that the use of American weapons in the region will adhere strictly to international law, three senior Israeli and American officials told Walla! on Tuesday. Additionally, the US urged Israel to permit humanitarian aid into Gaza and has only given Israel 45 days to respond to the request. The Biden administration threatened that failure to provide a "credible and reliable" commitment within the deadline may result in the suspension of arms shipments . This demand for a written commitment is part of a new national security policy announced by President Biden at the beginning of February. While the policy isn't exclusively focused on Israel, it was prompted by concerns raised by American senators regarding Israel's use of American weaponry in the conflict in Gaza. Under the new policy, a country receiving American arms must provide a written assurance to the United States that it will

US in an attempt to cripple the Iron Dome production

  In an unprecedented legal proceeding, the American government opened an investigation into Finkelstein Metals and is examining the government's conduct, Maariv reported Wednesday morning. According to the American authorities, grants received by the company due to activities in a development zone constitute a prohibited government subsidy, and they allowed the company to sell its products in the US at inflated prices. The decision to open the investigation and sanctions against Finkelstein has puzzled Israeli officials. The scope of Finkelstein's activities in the US is minimal compared to the American complainants, and it holds less than 3% of the market share in the US. However, this is about 75% of its sales volume. The American administration's claim also contradicts the trade agreement between the two countries, which has existed for decades. Read more here .

Hulk Hogan - ready for The Rapture!

 God be praised!

Interviul Tucker-Putin - doua elemente de interes pentru Crestinii Protestanti

 In cam toata presa internationala, interviul a fost catalogat ca banal, sub asteptari, cu inexactitati si fara elemente incendiare. Personal, dincolo de portiunea de inceput, folosita ca justificare istorica, consider ca interviul este de fapt raportul lui Putin catre Clica Mondiala, in care se straduieste sa lamureasca neintelegeri aparute pe parcurs, si sa ofere asigurari ca are situatia sub control si ca ramane dedicat directiei trasate de catre Clica. Si daca a fost nevoie de un asemenea raport, probabil ca exista nemultumiri in "Cercurile Superioare" cu privire la prestatia lui Putin. Probabil ca se doreste un lider mai tanar si mai agresiv pentru ca Clica da semne de nerabdare, e nemultumita cu viteza de desfasurare a evenimantelor.Sunt doua momente in discutie care prezinta interes pentru Crestinii Protestanti: 1. De ceva vreme, pe anumite retele sociale circula zvonuri ca Putin poarta un razboi sfant impotriva depravarii Occidentului, zvonuri care au mare priza la pa

Javier Milei, President of Argentine, true to his words!

 God bless Javier Milei! God bless Argentina! Down the stairs of the plane, Javier Milei announced the move of the Argentine Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem! God, let this be an encouragement for Paraguay and Uruguay to do as they promised. And also for Romania, to do what is right to do! Amen!

Terrorism is coming to USA - UPDATE

Let's see how Democrats will use this to their advantage. We know already how they used COVID-19 plandemic. Follow-Up update:

Biden will do anything to encourage the enemy


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