Showing posts from July, 2023
Great RESET - enormous implications for the religious movement
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Israel’s Biblical Highway REVEALED by Mike Pompeo & David Friedman
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Bringing God back to Zionism
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"Secular Israeli efforts to erase the contributions of religious Zionists aren’t as nefarious as attempts to erase God from Israeli history and society. Giving all the credit for Israel’s founding, survival and success to Israel’s leaders, soldiers and citizens while omitting divine providence ignores the obvious: It’s impossible for the Jewish people to have regained their land and sovereignty, and succeed against all their opponents, without divine providence." Read more here .
S. L. Weiss - Fantasie in c minor - Evangelina Mascardi, baroque lute
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"Indeed, as we speak, in the Zagros Mountains of central Iran, the Iranians are building nuclear facilities so deep underground that they would likely be impervious to U.S. weapons . In the face of the potential U.S. retreat, America’s allies, including the United Kingdom, the European Union and Israel, are raising alarms and seeking independent alternatives. Recently, for example, European diplomats informed the Iranians that they plan to maintain E.U. sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile program, which were scheduled to expire this October per the JCPOA. " Read more here .
Europa rămâne fără apă!
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Cred ca deja se poate vedea motivul incendiilor provocate. Distrugerea padurilor inseamna nu numai distrugerea retelei de apa de suprafata, dar si cea subterana. Sulutia este evidenta: reimpadurirea. Intrebarea cheie este: cum parezi fortele care comanda aceste distrugeri? Pentru cine se intreaba, asta face parte dintr-o actiune mult mai ampla de limitare si control a surselor de hrana, ca metoda suprema de constrangere. Vezi printre altele, inchiderea fermelor de animale si promovarea produselor de carne si vegetale din culturi de microorganisme. Citeste articolul-sursa .
The fall of France?
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"Fifth night of riots in France that appear to be an organized attempt to destroy the country from within. Infrastructures such as power-grid poles are being destroyed. Agricultural fields are being burned down, big trucks are being hijacked and tourist buses are being attacked. It’s not about a dead Algerian teenager who disobeyed police orders. It’s a well planned and well organized operation! Since June 30th Macron is quiet on social media. However, on Friday he did find the time to dance at Elton John’s concert." What the cited author doesn't know, is that Macron is in the same ballpark with Trudeau, same "schoo"l, same occult organization. In other words, Macron knows and approves what is happening, his role is to delay as much as possible or render useless the army and the police. The keyword is betrayal .
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