Abdullah bin Zayed: It will come a day...

 The Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, was expressing himself back in 2017 regarding the West's lack of understanding of Muslim culture...

We are in 2023 and that day is already here for France! And it might be for the entire Western Europe... Well, lets hope not...


  1. Ce are de a face Guyana Franceza (teritoriu francez in America de Sud) cu ce se intampla in Franta? Are cu Franta insasi. Care urmeaza dupa Germania... Primirea de emigranti era singura modalitate de a ataca Europa de vest din interior... Se lucreaza intens la probusirea Europei... Pe absolut toate planurile. O Europa care trebuia deposedata mai intai de protectia lui Dumnezeu.

  2. What does French Guiana (French territory in South America) have to do with what is happening in France? It has with France itself. Which follows after Germany... The reception of emigrants was the only way to attack Western Europe from the inside... They are working intensively on the collapse of Europe... On absolutely all levels. A Europe that had to be dispossessed first of God's protection.


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