Showing posts from July, 2021
Israeli-Operated Ship ATTACKED by DRONE; Iran Behind Incident Off Oman’s Coast?
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CDC Admits There's NO Proof The Delta Variant Makes Kids Sicker
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MAREȘAL - primul vânător de tancuri autentic românesc
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Bring the Land of the Bible to your doorstep!
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The subscription box that follows in the footsteps of Jesus, delivering the best artisanal food, crafts, and content from across the Holy Land straight to your door. Join us on a journey that brings the Land of the Bible, it's people and it's history to life while supporting the people who call Israel home. Get Started
Israeli Airstrikes in Syria Escalate Tension w/ Russia; Prophetic Implications?
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Israel Hosts Multi-Nation Drone Drill; Iran Oil Terminal Dodges US Sanctions?
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Hezbollah Terror Tunnel on Israel’s Border; Exclusive Look with the IDF
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Israel RESPONDS to Ben & Jerry’s Boycott: “Woke” Company to Pay a Price?
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Israel Marks Ancient Temples' Destruction; Jerusalem Archaeology Finds New Clues
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Finally, EU cares for itself...
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"The European Commission kick-starts today two new Industrial Alliances: the Alliance for Processors and Semiconductor technologies, and the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud. The two new alliances will advance the next generation of microchips and industrial cloud/edge computing technologies and provide the EU with the capabilities needed to strengthen its critical digital infrastructures, products and services. The alliances will bring together businesses, Member State representatives, academia, users, as well as research and technology organisations." Read more here .
Sam Sorbo Talks UFO Sightings With Geophysicist And Professor of Science Stephen Meyer
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The Real Reason We Have Separation of Church and State
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BBC lies
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How trust worthy is mass-media today. Reporters and photographers, in their race for more money and even prizes, resort to all sorts of scams. Below, in a documentary about herding, a certain person is used both as an Afghan and then as a Peruvian. You can see for yourself:
The REAL Meaning Behind Israel's Recent Archaeological Revelations
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LIVE: International Religious Freedom Summit Featuring Mike Pompeo
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Israel in Shock: Israeli Muslim Bedouin Millionaire Indicted for Treason
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Israel Warns of Lebanon’s Collapse: Iran & Hezbollah Sense Opportunity?
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Biden Administration Calls Out Israel for Destroying Terrorist's Home
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Crestini din toate tarile, treziti-va!
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Tribunalul Suprem SUA tocmai a refuzat să protejeze creștinii de activismul elgibitist. Cu o mână dă și cu una ia. Acum două săptămâni, grație perseverenței catolicilor, Tribunalul a decis că agențiile de adopții creștine nu pot fi constrânse să dea copii spre înfiere cuplurilor homosexuale. Din nefericire, putea să facă și mai mult să protejeze drepturile creștinilor, dar nu a făcut-o. Decizii eronate Pe 2 iulie Curtea a refuzat să accepte pentru revizuire cazul doamnei Barronelle Stutzman din statul Washington. Stutzman este creștină evanghelică și de zeci de ani deține o florărie în statul Washington. Prin magazinul ei au trecut ani la rândul tot felul de oameni, inclusiv homosexuali. Zâmbea tuturor clienților și le făcea toate aranjamentele florale pe care i le solicitau. Până într-o zi când statul Washington a legalizat căsătoriile homosexuale. Curând după aceea au venit la ea doi bărbați care și-au anunțat "căsătoria" și i-au solicitat do...
U.S. Forces in Iraq TARGETED with Rocket Barrage & Explosive Drones
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The Terrifying Truth Behind CCP's 100 Year Anniversary
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Understanding the Growing Attacks Against Jews in America
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Israel STRIKES Hamas After Arson Attacks; Turkey Playing Double Game?
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Sam Sorbo Talks The Infiltration of Pornography Into Schools
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Israel Faces Future War With Hezbollah; Is Naftali Bennett Ready?
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Bring the Land of the Bible to your doorstep!

The subscription box that follows in the footsteps of Jesus, delivering the best artisanal food, crafts, and content from across the Holy Land straight to your door.
Join us on a journey that brings the Land of the Bible, it's people and it's history to life while supporting the people who call Israel home.
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