Homesteader's guns S1 episode 6 - The homesteader in the north

In this episode of Homesteader's guns series, I propose a solution for those that are homesteading in the northern regions that are not necessarily the "Bear's country". A solution that I'm starting to like more and more.

The shotgun

Winchester SXP Shadow Defender in 20ga 18" barrel. A well equipped shotgun that looks great, with a decent price. Details here.

The hunting rifle

Rossi R92 .44 Magnum 16.5" barrel. Not as beautiful as a Henry or a Marlin rifle, but much better than the Mossberg tactical lever action rifle. A good choice. Details here.

The personal gun

IWI Masada 9mm pistol. Beautiful, reliable, full featured, affordable (compared to a CZ P-10). Details here.


The north of the country is a harsh zone regarding the threats that wildlife imposes. The guns must be dependable regarding firepower, without getting outside the conventions of the series.

So, the shotgun will not go beyond 20 gauge caliber (and this rule almost exhausted the shotguns that I can present), but the hunting rifle will become a little more powerful to compensate. It will manage the .44 Magnum ammunition, becoming a good choice for the big game and minimum required for bears.

The pistol goes up to the 9mm. The 9mm ammunition is largely the most fabricated civilian ammunition in U.S. and you should have had already a good stock for hard times.


I will say it here. You can mix solutions to get your own combination of weapons for your homestead, or include other guns that are not (yet) presented here, to meet your own needs. This is personal, it can't be "standardized", but it might be a source of inspiration.

This episode concludes the season 1 of the series. Thank you for reading it!


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