Showing posts from July, 2020
India donates 7 tons of hydroxychloroquine to Nigeria
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Plaquenil, Zinc si Azitromicina este reteta folosita la inceput de Timisoara, cu o multime de vindecati si nici un mort. India trateaza masiv cu stim noi ce medicament (adica tot cu astea). :P Disclaimer: consultati medicul de familie (dar luati-l la sentiment). Update: Actually, India delivers all over the world . Read the article here .
How to survive after SHTF in an urban or suburban environment
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Brazil's President Bolsonaro says he's recovered from coronavirus
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Israel-U.S. discuss Iran; UNIFIL probes recent events; Europe warns Turkey
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Doctors stand behind President Trump, call for reopening America thanks to miracle drug
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Il me Suffit by C.Sermisy; Daniel Estrem, renaissance lute
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Commissioner discusses ways to reduce U.S. dependence on China
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Intro to Tactical Shotgun! Complete Course from Raidon Tactics
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Jewish settlers annexing the West Bank - DW Documentary
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There is already a cure for Covid-19. Deal with it!
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Sorry, the content is in Romanian language, but there are means to be translated. Dupa ce au dat jos filmul de pe canalul PragerU, l-am uploadat eu. Nu au trecut 5 minute si l-au ascuns - adica pot sa-l vad doar eu. Asa ca am cautat pe bitchute si l-am inclus din nou in pagina. Doctorii se refera la hydroxycloroquine, zinc si zithromax. Primul si ultimul au o alta denumire pe piata romaneasca ;) . Fauci minte , se stia din iulie 2005 ca Clorochina este un inhibitor potent de SARS. Puteti vedea aici . Iar Dennis Prager greseste cand spune ca medicamentul este respins din ura fata de Trump. Ideea era ca nimeni sa nu afle de medicament, toti sa se sperie, economiile sa fie oprite, liderii incomozi sa poata fi eliminati fara implicatii si toata lumea sa poata fi vaccinata. Numai ca Dumnezeu nu doarme. Vedeti ce spune Dennis aici , de data asta intr-un film necenzurat. Update: CDC admits only 6% of COVID-19 patients died from virus alone Bombshell Report: 90% of Po...
Chinese communist propaganda admits using Covid-19 as a biological weapon
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A Warning To All Americans – They Are Using Diversity To Destroy You
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I commented a couple of times on Prager University movies that the biggest mistake of USA was to let in, non-European people on other reasons than Christian Faith persecution. Below is a quote from : What we are witnessing in the USA is beginning stages of a communist revolution that uses America’s diversity as a weapon. Young adults are literally being brainwashed to thinking that life is unfair for minorities. Click here to read the original article.
HAGIA SOPHIA - Inca un atac psihologic impotriva crestinilor
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Numim lucrul acesta nu progres, ci involuție. Investim timp, energie, resurse financiare enorme pentru a transforma societatea globală în una mai tolerantă, în care respectul pentru confesiuni, civilizații și culturi diferite devine mai pronunțat. Decretul semnat de Erdogan pe 10 iulie este o dovadă că nu facem progres în această direcție, ci pași decisivi înapoi. Dacă la acest gest atât de tragic adăugăm atacurile teroriste împotriva creștinilor (care mai în toată lumea sunt facute de teroriști musulmani), concluzia e și mai tristă: suntem ținta unui genocid calculat, sistematic și bine programat. Un genocid lent, mai mult sau mai puțin tacit, mai mult sau mai puțin agresiv, mai mult sau mai puțin deschis. În 2020, China persecuta creștinii mai mult ca oricând din anii 1970 încoace, anarhiștii anului 2020 atacă mai mult ca oricând bisericile și simbolurile creștine amplasate în spațiul public în America, iar teroriștii Boko Haram și alții atacă și ucid mai mulți creșt...
How the Israeli Military is Preparing for Iran and Hezbollah Threats
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Hannity: Trump takes action as Democratic mayors watch their cities crumble
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Adagio from Sonata 3 BWV 527 by J S Bach, Daniel Estrem - guitar
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Department of Justice announces first federal arrests in Chicago
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How many guns you can carry in a SHTF situation?
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In this article I will discuss only about the guns you carry in such situation. I will not discuss about the bug out backpack you also need to have with you. You won't be able to take too much ammunition and you will be forced to resupply on the way. You have to consider that the ammunition will be scarce , some calibers more than other types. Considering this, you can't afford to bet only on one single type of ammunition but... you also can't afford to take a gun for every caliber out there. Fortunately, because the revolvers have the capability to shoot more than one caliber ammunition, that is what we will choose. 1. The main gun This gun is able to shoot 3 different calibers with a capacity of 7 rounds. It is Taurus 692 3" barrel revolver ( click here to read the article and come back ). Don't forget to pack-up the "moon clips" for the 9mm ammunition for this gun. 2. The backup gun This gun can shoot 2 different calibers (with 4 variati...
Pompeo delivers speech on communist China and the future of the world
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R.I.P Hong Kong: draconian new security law threatens freedoms
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Sinfonia 11 BWV 797 by J S Bach - Daniel Estrem, guitar
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Operation Legend: Combating Violent Crime - The Trump administration take action
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Taurus Judge revolver
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If you love the firepower of a shotgun that you can't carry on your trip, the Taurus Judge 3" barrel revolver offers you a similar firepower in a small package and can be easily hidden in your backpack. The revolver offers 5 shots of .45 Colt or .410 bore caliber ammunition. The .410 bore , is the smallest caliber of shotgun shell commonly available that, loaded with pellets, are well suited for small game hunting and pest control including rabbits, squirrels, snakes, rats, birds, etc. A .410 loaded with 1/4 ounce slugs is effective against larger animals such as coyotes and deer. The product web page. As a reference, the image below presents from left to right: a .45 ACP , a .410 bore shotshell, a 20 gauge shotshell, and a 12 gauge shotshell.
Ruger pistol, revolver, rifle in .22 LR ammo
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Even with the high quality rimfire ammunition there are... misfires. If your firearm is not so reliable, this adds up to a disaster. So, you need a trusty gun that also won't cost you a kidney. Ruger Firearms has a good reputation when is about something that shoots .22 LR ammo . If .22 LR is your choice for various reasons, then along with a pistol, you need a reliable revolver and a good rifle. It might cost you some money but it is like printers. You get a cheap, inkjet printer that then cost a fortune to refill it every time with ink, or an expensive laser printer with cheap toner that last long, prints quality documents and is cheaper to refil. The pistol Here we have two options, a very small one for purse carry LCP II recommended for ladies and one a bit larger that can be worn on the belt (concealed or not), SR22 . Both are reliable guns based on a well tested design and both have safety elements. LCP II (10+1 rounds capacity) SR22 (10+1 rounds cap...
My Love by Paul McCartney and Wings, Daniel Estrem 7-string guitar
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Moses and religion shaped America in ways you never knew
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To what extent have Judeo-Christian values helped form the United States of America? Yoram Ettinger explains that it runs deep – very deep in the United States of America. As a matter of fact, the founding fathers of the United States and the authors of the Constitution were so enamored with Biblical values that they added verses to the dollar bills and had Biblical content carved into nearly every major federal building, and into countless statues. Yes, statues are important. On this matter, we should all agree – even with the rioters who have defaced and tore down statues. Read the original article.
IWI Masada 9mm pistol
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If CZ P-10 pistol is the Glock killer, then Masada is the CZ you can afford. With beautiful design lines, accurate and reliable, this is a 9mm pistol that doesn't break your bank. And, if you are a C hristian practitioner, this is a way to help Israel. Not your thing? Is still a very good pistol and in my opinion, even more reliable than a Canik TP9 - to put it simple, Israel can't afford to make bad guns. You can read more about it's features on their web page. Note : One thing worth mentioning. Some of them are shooting low (some are ok from start), so you have to change the sights. Fortunately, Masada uses standard Sig sights and a user explains why Masada shoots low: ... it's the way Israel/IWI zero's at 25 meters, (both Masada and Jericho) their pistols. If you want to line them up in a traditional way (probably, zeroed at 7 yards?), simply buy the Sig #6 front sight and Sig #8 rear sight for Masada and N ovak 1911 sights for Jericho. The prod...
CZ P-10 9mm
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If there is only one polymer frame pistol that matters, that is CZ P-10 series that comes in 5 different sizes: F (full size like Glock 17), SC (a size I don't like), C (compact size, like Glock 19), S (sub-compact size) and M (micro size?). It is the perfect Glock killer. Excellent shutter right from the production lines with great reliability. From every day conceal carry, home defense and up to competition ready, this one gun can replace everything you have, and with the full size F pistol and a red dot optics mounted on it you can even hunt. The Czechs did an amazing job on this gun and they are represented in USA by . If the availability of the 9mm ammunition is not an issue on your state, go for this gun. The CZ P-10 F with red dot optics and other custom mods The CZ P-10 C with red dot optics and other custom mods The CZ P-10 S with red dot optics and other custom mods Note : in standard configuration comes...
Handgun Aiming & Sight Picture: One Eye vs Two Eyes; Front Sight Aiming vs Point Shooting
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Bouree 1 & 2 from cello suite no 3 by J S Bach: Daniel Estrem, ukulele
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NAA Pug and Black Widow revolvers
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These very small revolvers are for deep concealed carry and can be used for close combat only. The revolvers are mainly designed for .22 Magnum ammunition but a second cylinder sized for .22 LR (Long Rifle) type of ammunition is provided. The Pug has an 1" barrel and the Black Widow has a barrel of 2" length, the second being more precise. There is also a 4" option but that goes beyond concealed carry. All of them can shoot up to 5 rounds. What other use these can have? Well, as a homesteader, using these to humanly terminate a small to medium animal that must be processed for food can be a good alternative to stunning tools - maybe even cheaper? For this purpose is much more convenient than a long, incommod rifle. What animals do I have in mind? Rabbits, sheep, goats, alpaca, llama, maybe small heifers but I never tested this so I can't say what skulls a .22 LR ammo can penetrate. It is known that .22 LR can be used for deer hunting. This is The Pug re...
Gripen E/F: Brazil's Improved Next Generation Jet Fighter
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Reagan Warns America Not to Forget Our History
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Quote from IsraelUnwired online magazine: If the bravery of the boys on Normandy is something that no more than 10% of the youth understand, whereas Black Lives Matter demonstrations are considered more important in the psyche of millions of youth, then the future is indeed bleak. Understanding history is indeed the key to the present and the future. Of course, America has some faults. But it is indeed the freest country in the history of the world. Freedom has spread in the world due to the United States more than due to any other country in the world.
Top 10 Cheapest Places to Buy Land. (Homesteading and Tiny House)
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Taurus 942 22 LR Matte Stainless Revolver
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Edit: I changed the revolver for the .22 Magnum ammunition with the one with .22 LR ammunition because is much cheaper and that way you can train more. Original article: If the 9mm ammunition is still expensive for you and you need to train, a .22 LR caliber firearm (where you can use also the .22 Short ) might be the best solution. This Taurus revolver has 8 rounds and is a good solution for a close combat situation. So, good for concealed carry and home defense. It is the minimum required. I won't advise in investing in a pistol for this caliber as there is already a handicap and if a firing failure adds to it, then you are finished. Here is a comparison between ammunition types. Ammunition prices .22 LR ~ $4 .. $7 for 50 rounds; and for comparison, other calibers: 9mm 115 grain ~ $11.39 for 50 rounds; .38 special ~ $17 for 50 rounds. .357 magnum ~ $25 for 50 rounds. The web page of the product. Here a video that demonstrat...
Președintele Braziliei vrea să elimine ideologia de gen
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You are the monster that controls the Dome?
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A Japanese Anime from 1985 named "Greed" shows the Japan mindset regarding creation and the humanity's fight against the Creator (here, presented as an evil force). The struggle to penetrate the Dome in order to kill the God. It was always about being hot or cold, there is no middle option. With or against the Creator. Your choice. P.S. The title of the article is a phrase from one of the dialogues. Greed.
8 Year Old Black Girl Killed by Black Lives Matter Activists
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“They say #BlackLivesMatter . You killed your own.” There are no words. I don’t know how the father of young 8-year-old #SecorieaTurner finds the strength to speak with so much grace and patience when so called “protesters” shot his daughter at the car simply because her mother drove at the barrier these criminals had set up to block the road. They did not give this young woman the chance to make a U-turn, they started shooting at her car and her tyres. There will be no protests about the death of this little girl. The so called social justice warriors and the hypocrites of the Black Lives Matter could not care less about the victims of the policies they are advocating or the chaos they are causing. Just like they did not care for 7 year old Natalie Wallace who was killed in Chicago yesterday. Read the rest here.
Prelude from cello suite no. 1 by J S Bach: Daniel Estrem, ukulele
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Wireless trap
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Excerpt: Recently, I finally ragequit and replaced all my desk’s wireless devices with wired ones. While I had to invest a bit in figuring out cable management (and break my habit of chewing on headphone cables), I was able to achieve nearly the same level of tidiness, with much better reliability, quality and speed. I no longer have to worry about my equipment failing to pair, running out of battery, or spontaneously giving me garbled robot voice during a livestreamed talk. It’s dramatically reduced my level of device-related agony. Read the rest on the original article.
The president Trump wants no part of 'cancel culture'
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What communists did in Romania? Confiscated the population's guns, killed the intellectuals and the braves that opposed the system, changed history, restricted the liberty and brainwashed the rest of the population. These had a tremendous negative impact on population genetics on the years that came. The communists are bandits and vandals that have nothing holly. Nothing than themselves and their horde.
Weapon of your dreams
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If there should be only one handgun (metal frame) in my house (I talk here about my own taste), then that should be the custom CZ Shadow 2 pistol - I couldn't decide which one from the two variants that suits me: Edit: couldn't resist and made some more color combinations. CZ stands for Czech Republic. And here a nice review in Guns&Ammo online magazine. Here is the original blog article.
The Radical Left Has Always Been a Disaster to Humanity and Especially to Jews
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Excerpt: ... But then, after 70 years of revolution, Communist Russia collapsed. The statues of Stalin and Lenin were pulled down, and a million-and-a-half Jews (and descendants of Jews), came on Aliya to Israel. The first-world Israel that we know today owes much of its success to these olim. We naively thought that the Radical Left would realize its mistake. ... Read the original article on Israel Unwired. Masada fortress
As Corona Rages, Israel Prepares For War Against Iran
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More voices against TikTok
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The app reportedly tracks users’ phone hardware – meaning their CPU type, hardware IDs, memory usage and disk space – as well as the other apps users have installed. He wrote that the "scariest part” was that “much of the logging they’re doing is remotely configurable, unless you reverse every single one of their native libraries and manually inspect every single obfuscated function”. Read the rest on Herald Sun original article.
Sunt alb pentru ca asa m-a creat Dumnezeu
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Si Ii sunt recunoscator ca exist. Fara complexe. Insa dispretuiesc profund orice alb care isi cere scuze in fata altor rase ca este alb. Nu suport oamenii fara coloana vertebrala si caracter. Dar nici oamenii care pretind scuze din partea oamenilor albi. De ce ai nevoie tu, omule de alta culoare, de scuze din partea omului alb? Chiar nu realizezi ca in acel moment il declari superior tie? Ti-ai pierdut mintile? Esti chiar atat de complexat? Tu omule negru, tu omule rosu, tu omule galben.
The Flag Is Still Worth Saluting
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My worth saluting flag (as I am Romanian) is the one of Royal Romania. The socialist flag I considered one determined by the bolsheviks and the current one I consider it of transition. To the only flag I love - Royal Romania. The original and only flag of a truly Sovereign Romania. But now we are talking about the flag of USA. Actually, lets listen to Dennis Prager.
Recladim Romania
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Extras: Stimularea capitalului autohton contribuie direct la un obiectiv conex: securitatea economică a României. Nu este vorba aici de o țară închisă, izolaționistă. Ci de o economie puternică, capabilă să-și protejeze sectoarele strategice: de la agricultură la energie, de la industrie la sănătate. O economie care să producă valoare adăugată și care să exporte făină, nu grâu. Mobilă, nu bușteni. De aici preocuparea pentru programe de tipul depozitelor de comercializare a produselor agricole și investițiile în infrastructura de irigații, tot mai necesară în contextul schimbărilor climatice. O economie competitivă și credibilă, prietenoasă cu investitorii, înseamnă și șansa de a face parte din efortul transatlantic de decuplare de China. România are toate motivele și toate resursele să poată asigura parte din lanțurile de aprovizionare pentru Europa și SUA. Și are și unele dintre cele mai competitive scheme de ajutor de stat pentru investiții greenfield, atât pentru susținerea cost...
Republicans must fight back! Entire free America must fight back!
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Taurus 692 .357 Magnum, .38 Special and 9mm
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I like the fact that I can change it to shoot 9mm ammunition. This revolver comes with two interchangeable cylinders, one for .38 special and .357 magnum ammunition, and with the other you can use the 9mm ammunition. Which ammunition is cheaper and it can be used for both pistols and revolvers. And the revolver costs less than the Kimber K6s TLE 3" , another favorite of mine. But not only the financial aspect matters to me - it is also the design of it (a great looking revolver). Taurus USA page. A movie below that presents the revolver: Here, the ammunition sizes:
China Remains US Enemy Number One and Israel Should Worry
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From the Security Law imposed on Hong Kong, to the bullying Beijing does against disadvantaged African countries through lopsided investment agreements, the communist leaders have positioned themselves as the inheritors of Earth. The CCP has played the world and we have let it play us. After all, we want cheap products and they are willing to make them for us. From their point of view these products are the drug that keeps the world looking the other way, while the Communist Regime takes more and more control of the planet. Read more on IsraelUnwired.
Jews Active Against Sovereignty are Wrong, but the Future is Bright
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Colapsul mental si epoca anarhiei
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În ultimele săptămâni s-a produs un colaps mental în rândurile occidentalilor. Nedumerirea, dezorientarea, inabilitatea de a face o diagnoză a evenimentelor, ni se par evidente. Și nu e de mirare, având în vedere viteza cu care se petrec, în zilele acestea, evenimente istorice extrem de radicale și cu consecințe la fel de radicale. Agresiune si eradicarea istoriei China elimină autonomia fostei colonii Hong Kong, fără ca Occidentul să reacționeze ori presa din Marea Britanie să sufle o vorbă. Dimpotrivă, Occidentul își are ochii ațintiți asupra Americii, prevestindu-i colapsul. Privește exact în direcția în care China dorește, dându-i ei oportunitatea de a agresa fosta colonie britanică. În SUA, evenimentul brutal din mai 25 s-a transformat în anarhie, o anarhie nemaicunoscută din anii 60. Ea s-a extins și în Europa. Manifestări și acțiuni anarhiste se produc în Marea Britanie, Belgia, Franța, iar mai nou și în Australia. Ele sunt atât de radicale și de numeroase, încât dau impres...
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