How many guns you can carry in a SHTF situation?

In this article I will discuss only about the guns you carry in such situation. I will not discuss about the bug out backpack you also need to have with you. You won't be able to take too much ammunition and you will be forced to resupply on the way. You have to consider that the ammunition will be scarce, some calibers more than other types. Considering this, you can't afford to bet only on one single type of ammunition but... you also can't afford to take a gun for every caliber out there.

Fortunately, because the revolvers have the capability to shoot more than one caliber ammunition, that is what we will choose.

1. The main gun

This gun is able to shoot 3 different calibers with a capacity of 7 rounds. It is Taurus 692 3" barrel revolver (click here to read the article and come back). Don't forget to pack-up the "moon clips" for the 9mm ammunition for this gun.

2. The backup gun

This gun can shoot 2 different calibers (with 4 variations for one caliber) and has a capacity of 5 rounds. It is NAA The Pug 1" barrel, or NAA Black Widow 2" barrel revolver (click here to read the article and come back). The backup gun must be smaller than the main one and conceal-able and this revolver meets the requirements. It is no more than a close-combat solution.

Both of these guns must/can be carried on your body.

3. The shotgun

Undeniably, you need the stopping power of a shotgun with you but... if you need to resupply on your way and for that you have to enter in a town, a visible shotgun weapon might get you into troubles. So we will use also a gun that is able to shoot 2 calibers and has a capacity of 5 rounds. It is Taurus Judge 3" barrel revolver (click here to read the article and come back). This has to go into your backpack.


This choice in guns allows us to have access to 7 different types of calibers. And because of the nature of the situation, we had to opt exclusively for the revolvers. Of course, there are conversion kits for pistols that allows you to use a different caliber than the intended, but nothing is more easily interchangeable than a cylinder of a revolver. In the articles of every gun presented here you will find images with the ammunition that these guns use and below is a reference image (for the beginners) regarding the size of the ammunition.


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