Ambasada Romaniei mutata de la Tel Aviv la Ierusalim

UPDATE: The Israeli security establishment has detected military activity by the Egyptian army in central Sinai, which constitutes a violation of the peace agreement with Israel.

According to initial reports, Egyptian military activity in central Sinai includes logistical preparations and the construction of various obstacles in the area, potentially hindering Israeli forces’ operations in the event of a future military confrontation.


Articolul original:

 Recomand insistent Romaniei sa mute ambasada de la Tel-Aviv la Ierusalim, pana nu incepe "pocneala" intre Israel si Turkiye! Singurul oras sigur pe care Turcia il va proteja oarecum, este Ierusalimul. Punct. 

Asadar, dupa cum puteti realiza, mutarea asta inseamna mai mult decat sprijin pentru Israel, inseamna salvarea vietilor diplomatilor romani.

Sa nu ziceti ca nu ati stiut.


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