Squab Linux Live - the most complete live system in the world.


In the download folder is a companion.iso that contains recent versions of useful apps that come in AppImage format.

Original article

 Designed to work offline, as a complete solution for both the artist and the tinkerer, is also useful for the PC programmer and for the embedded engineer. It is based on a non-systemd Linux distribution and for the times when an Internet connection is desired, there is an already configured firewall paired with a secured Firefox browser. 

The author says that it is also the foundation for it's yet to be released "Arduino Projects with LunaAVR and C languages under Linux" book. The Live DVD can be downloaded from this Google Drive folder.


  1. A mishap that required writing an "Errata.txt" file that presents a couple of workaround. Because these are enough to solve the problem, there are no plans for a new ISO version in the foreseeable future.


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