The lack of knowledge, common sense and understanding from the Occidental Christian Countries is frightening

 No other war in the history of all wars was under such an international microscope, no other army had to behave so polite with their worst enemies, no other nation had to feed the criminals who murdered and kidnapped their owns, no other military men were so indulgent with the savages who raped their women and burned alive their children and parents. No other country was ever more hated and contested for defending itself, no other people, from any country in the world, were more harassed, insulted, punished, sanctioned, lied about, dehumanized by online supporters of terrorism and attacked and bombarded daily by bloody sick terrorists.

No other country had more UN resolutions, no other country under attack by terrorists of all kinds and from all around its borders was ever named a “terrorist state” when defending its citizens. No other set of military proofs about the terrorist’s war crimes was more ignored by WHO and other official bodies. No other really occupied territory- like the North of Cyprus, by Turkey or Crimea, by Russia…- ever flooded the streets or campuses with such an absurd and lame “activism” for a country they never ever care before October. 

No other women, from any nation or religion were more doubted or unsupported like the Israeli women. No other hostages, from any terrorist attack, were more ignored by the public opinion, no other BABY in the world was kidnapped for 6 month now, in which time no UNICEF, no RED CROSS, no AMNESTY…, nobody was even tweeted once about his release…. 

Welcome to Antisemitism, the new Season. Produced by Iran and the radical Islamist from all over the world.

(Miha Schwarzenberg on X)




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