Poland - dramatic change! Will this determine a wave of changes in Eastern Europe?

Poland is turning against USA and Israel. What determined Poland to overcome her "ancestral" fear of Russia?  What she knows and we don't? Because without NATO backup, Poland cannot defend herself against Russia. Are there guarantees  from Russia that "Gomer Zone" will remain "autonomous"? 

Is this an instinctive  move to preserve herself knowing that USA gives to Russia the crown of the world and that USA will sacrifice everything and everyone to achieve this goal?

Link to two Romanian articles:

1. https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/iese-polonia-de-pe-axa-washingtonului-presa-poloneza-sua-ar-lua-in-calcul-mutarea-trupelor-militare-din-polonia-in-romania-1631095

 2. https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/criza-diplomatica-israel-isi-cheama-insarcinatul-cu-afaceri-de-la-varsovia-dupa-ce-polonia-a-aprobat-legea-restituirii-proprietatilor-1634105


So, I suspect that USA will retreat also from Eastern Europe but she will let a lot of military equipment behind, as she did in the Middle East. Is this to be sure that Russia will be able to keep China in check?

In this light, will Romania plan to acquire the newly developed Russian weapons?


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