Homesteader's guns S2 episode 1 - Safe and strong (Ruger exclusive)


I was preparing to celebrate Mr. Trump's victory but it seems that we have to be patient for a while...  So, let's play safe and strong in these hopefully not too long four years and pray to our Creator for guidance (despite China's sovereign contempt).

The format of the articles changes. Until now, I pointed to articles written on this blog for my complete view about the gun in question. Now, I will include my view as well, in the end linking only to the product's webpage. 

And, because is the beginning of a new season, in this episode we will go full semi-auto, rifle exclusive, Ruger exclusive, breaking the categories only this time. And mocking Biden, of course.

The shotgun

Mini-14 Ranch rifle. Not the first time when I propose a rifle in the shotgun category. But this time it has nothing similar with a shotgun. In my opinion, easier to clean and maintain than an AR-15 and much more reliable. It's action is battle proven. The M1 Garand was easily the best main battle rifle of the Second World War.

Ruger didn't got it right from the first time but they improved the design since and today is a rifle to bet on. Durable, reliable, accurate. Good around the ranch and for hunting. If there is to be only one semi-auto rifle, then this is it. It comes in 5.56/.223 Rem caliber.

The hunting rifle

Ruger 10/22 Target. Now this is a classic in the semi-auto rimfire rifles world. With also a modern look that allows you to install some accessories, including optics and flashlight/laser pointer devices. It goes well as a hunting/training rifle with inexpensive ammo. Realistically, you will not need to hunt big game all month long but you can hunt regularly small to medium game to provide food for family.

Isn't this just gorgeous? Maybe is too flashy for some people, but you need flashy to mask more important guns. And once entered into my collection, I would not sell it. I'm not that guy... Comes in .22 LR caliber.

The personal gun

Ruger PC Carbine. Ugly like a camel but versatile, easy to clean and trusty. That is, if you have good, reliable magazines. That is the only weak point of the gun, as for any semi-auto weapon. 

Easily accessorized with a flash light, it becomes a trusty home and personal defense gun that can be operated without problems by ladies and with a much more precision. It is also a convenient backpack gun. This one is chambered in an anti-bear caliber, .40 S&W


As I said, I wanted this to be a celebration article. You know, Mr. Trump is not a superman, he is just a human with good and bad things, no different than us, but he is willing to fight for America's freedom and, as long as he is faithful to our Creator, he will succeed. 

Semi-autos? Really not my thing in peaceful times as it tends to eat too much ammo. A revolver or revolver-rifle is enough for me. So we will go back to our classic format. Thank  you for reading!


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