Explorer XP400 crossbow

With the ammo crisis, people are reorienting on buying bows and crossbows but, guess what? These arms are also in short supplies. So, I'm starting a new category that will present some options. This is a silent hunter, with virtually an infinite number of arrows. When you exhausted your stock of carbon arrows, the logical action is to start making more. How? You should have known by now... Here is what the producer says about this nice crossbow: The all-new Explorer series introduces impressive power and performance in an affordable crossbow package. The XP400 is fully customizable, with adjustable butt stock and cheek rest for an incredibly comfortable fit and overall shooting experience. Dual laminated limbs add ultimate durability, allowing the hunting crossbow to reach menacing speeds up to 400 feet per second. A formidable foe for that trophy buck! The Explorer XP400 comes ready-to-hunt with two carbon arrows, 4x32mm multi-reticle scope, rope cocking device and...